Horror Hospital (1973)
Written by Anthony Balch and Alan Watson
Directed by Anthony Balch
Michael Gough plays dr Christian Storm, a very evil doctor who wants to harvest brainless and obedient zombies. He also uses a car to decapitate the people he doesn’t like.
Then we meet rocker Jason, he wants to escape the scene and do something with his life. He answers an advertisement and hops on the next train where he meets Judy, a beautiful reserved girl who ends up spending the duration of the trip with. Magically they are going to the same place, but she is looking for her Aunt, who happens to be Dr. Storms assistant. Dwarf Skip Martin plays Frederick in a throw back to Igor, but provides most of the films utter hilarity, complete with slowly spoken dialogue and long uninterrupted pauses. Doc Storm also seems to have Biker Boys, men clad with white helmets and leather at his exposal.
Jason and Judy get caught up in the weird web, and start trying to save themselves from Dr Storms evil plans, which he has no qualms explaining to anybody about. Dr Storm seems like a failed James Bond villian, wheel chair bound and horribly scarred. There also seems to be a monster on the loose killing most of the females.
I love this film, its an excellent horror with loads of unintentional humor. Skip Martin is like a drool version of something out of Monty Python, my favorite instant is when he says “ Don’t…forget…to…brush…your…teeth”. Plus scenes of unexpected gore and lots of Hammer Horror inspired weirdness make this one to truly seek out.
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