Slime City (1989)
written and directed by Greg Lamberson
Chunks of pineapple covered with lite caramel syrup is what comes to mind after watching this all out horror comedy. Meet Alex and his girl Lori as they apartment hunt for Alex, they come across a nice old lady with a newly opened space. Alex moves in, meets the neighbors, a Robert Smith/ Joe Strummer punk rocker named Roman and the Elvira type goth chick named Nikki ( Mary Huner plays this role and Lori!). The film progresses, the relationship still in a budding stage and yet to be consummated, so Alex does end up sleeping with Nikki (the slut!) and drinks what he believes is Himalayan yogurt with Roman.
Over night Alex starts dripping slime and kills a homeless man, returning to his normal self after puking green foam in an alley. He soon learns the apartment complex once housed an occultist Zachary, who his followers and himself offed themselves and possessed the other tenants. Zachary is the only one without a host, and Alex is fast becoming the target. With each killing he's increasing becoming less like himself and more powerful. His girlfriend finds out and leads to a climax not unlike movies of this nature but still very surprising.
The movie boasts its repulsive on the case, it is, but I've seen far worse. However for the type of movie this is, if I was younger and just finding this I'd have to show all my friends. Hell I still might, this movie is a blast, exactly the kind of splat movie you want to see at midnight. This is the New York bad attitude and gross effects I'm used to. Basket Case, Street Trash, Toxic Avenger and Videodrome all have lead up to this film, and though Slime City never quite reaches that status, it'd make a perfect double bill with Eraserhead. Their similarities are shameless.
The last ten minutes is ridiculously perverse and gooey, even if the acting is less than average, it still radiates a passion for the project unseen these days with skimpy clothing and plastic faces. At least this flick has got real looking people, overcoming obstacles like budget to make a great sickie. My favorite scene involves the obligatory group of black guys who have to rob Alex, as he is all bandaged up, the dialogue exchange is priceless and ends with the lead gangster with his hand bitten off, by Alex's stomach no less!
This is a must see for the late night crowd, you know who you are, the dark circled eye lids and disheveled disposition against the world. You won't be disappointed. Check out the credits on this sucker too, James Muro(director of Street Trash and camera operator for Terminator 2) does the camera work!
With a sometimes engaging soundtrack this is one to stuff in the cracks of your everyday mundane viewing pleasures.
this looks and sounds amazing..!