Luther the Geek (1990)
written by Whitey Styles
directed by Carlton J. Albright
Is it at all hard to imagine...that one day some one will act like a chicken? Think of it, man has always wanted to fly, so they invented wings, wings with motors, so they could achieve this possibility. Now its taken for granted, and nobody really cares about being with wings. For a while, people want to be what they can't be, I use to pretend I was dead for dramatic effect (yes, years before Harold and Maude cured me of this unnerving character trait), or I'd choose various hobbies of the week and need to know everything about it to accomplish that feeling of wanting something and just letting go. It seems a lot of people have an obsession with birds, with the invention of airplanes, the book Birdy, Birdman of Alcatraz and now with the cinematic masterpiece that is, Luther the Geek...
Luther the Geek starts innocently enough, where a group of hillbilly yokels walk into a barn and menacingly yell 'geek' at a guy until he for audience satisfaction bites the head off a chicken. During this commotion a child is thrown to the ground and has (apparently) his front teeth knocked out, we can only assume this due the kid holding his mouth, him hitting a wheel on the way down and the insane crazed 'i may have rabies' look he gives to the camera.
Scene ends and we open to the most convincing parole board meeting I've ever seen, where several individuals talk about letting a man go from prison for being rehabilitated. Its clear he is he's only filing his metal teeth to points! The laughable scene soon switches the our recently paroled Freak as he hits the streets (ala Sling Blade) walks into a supermarket, steals sun glasses and goes outside and bites the neck of the nearest bystander. Chaos erupts, police arrive at the scene of the crime, every one stands in a circle all the meanwhile our Freak is hiding in a car and ends up getting a ride to a country farm way the hell out in the middle of no where.
Our Freak ends making himself known and ties up the poor innocent woman who's unknowlngly given him a ride. Her daughter and boyfriend come home, insert gratitous nudity shot (in this, not that bad!)...(except the soap in the ass crack bit, I pratically died laughing) and then let the violence continue. In a rare scene of illogical behavior in this movie, our recently and mind you, he's been in prison since he was twelve or something, drives a dirt bike and car within minutes of being out of jail! I guess he went to the same jail/mental asylum Michael Myers went to, our Freak kills a few more innocents, and then we come to the ending.
The ending, sure is a venomous concotion of cinematic travesty, or dog shit for the laymen, but it fits beautifully in the whole scheme of things. Two fully grown people basically have a stand still while clucking like chickens at one another ( I am NOT making that up). Oddly, as embarrassing it is to watch, it makes sense, to understand a crazy man that is crowing like a Rooster, you must become the hen.
I loved this rare gem, which is available from Troma, its crap, drivel, its terrible, never should have been made, it copies Henry, its weird... but, it was made, and it is weird, and weird is what I look for, I suggest this film. If anything, this is a round up the gang and make your own dialogue film. Its a nonsensical enigma you're unlikey to have the chance to see.
Oh yeah, its the directors only film. Too bad. This is among the top strangest movies I've seen.
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