Nightmare City (1980)
Written by Piero Regnoli, Tony Curti and Jose Luis Delgado
Directed by Umberto Lenzi
Danny Boyle wasn’t the first to employee fast moving zombies (even though I argue 28 Days Later is a virus movie) he was just the first to do it successfully. Enter Nightmare City. A news reporter and his camera toting pal get on the scene of famed scientist landing from his latest experiments. However, with no word from the pilot, the military becomes suspicious and brings troops in for cautionary purposes. When the plane lands, the doors open only to find the doctor and crew are all mutated zombies who completely eviscerate the troops and start running amuck. Luckily, the unnarmed news team escape. But can they warn the city in time?
I love European horror, because it is so different from the average American horror, but sometimes it can be like white noise. This movie is filled with laughable dialogue, good gore and wild wraparound ending that would anger most people watching it. But Lenzi was never known for shying away from graphic violence, being the director of notorious sickie Cannibal Ferox, so at least the movie has that going for it.
This one is like a mix of Fulci’s Zombie and Romero’s Dead series, which unfortunately doesn’t help its case.
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