Psychos in Love (1987)
W: Gorman Bechard & Carmine Capobianco
D: Gorman Bechard
Pyscho’s in Love is about two misfit people who happen to be serial murders. Everything is blasé and meaningless unless they have the thrill of the kill in front of them. Carmine Capobianco plays Joe, a lonely man, who runs a bar and is trying to find true love, if he’d just stop killing all the potentials. I have the same problem, jeesh.
Then we meet Kat played by Deb Thibeault, a Molly Ringwald looking beauty who also is trying to overcome her insatiable blood lust for a regular love.
They share two true passions…killing and hating grapes…which we are reminded a dozen or so times before it becomes entirely annoying.
The meet in Joe’s bar. Sparks fly and he doesn’t feel compelled to kill her. Happiness ensues, but like most marriages, it steadily falls back to normal where they want to kill, as if it’s a metaphor for their sex life. They start trying new things, like killing in front of another.
Enter our third killer, a plumber who loves to eat. The people he kills.
Got your list?
Two Killers…check
One cannibal…check
A seriously demented comedy that can’t possibly fail?
It can. As a precursor to far better serial killer comedies, Serial Mom comes to mind, this is just an ok satire. The jokes are groan inducing, and there is a lot of self deprecating humor to boot. Audiences may become quickly irritated with characters turning to the camera and talking directly at it.
My biggest problem is that the movie plays off like a home recorded version of Eating Raoul. The characters are likable enough, but it just keeps playing it safe by reminding you its just a movie. As if it were a Mel Brooks comedy, which it is far from being.
The gore was lite so I was alittle bummed, the cover evidently wants to get consumers to watch it and they promise a lot more than whats in the movie. You’d hope this one came from the Tom Savini school of savagery, especially being a comedy, but it doesn’t.
One really funny scene involves a hooker who refuses to die.
All in all, I wasn’t completely hopelessly in love with it, it has too many in jokes for the producers sake and is actually kind of dull. Worth a watch on a lazy Sunday afternoon, but I wouldn’t go much further than that.
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