S.F.W. (1995)
Written by Danny Rubin and Jeffery Levy
Directed by Jeffery Levy
Stephen Dorff commands the screen in this criminally overlooked satire…and its more relevant today than ever. GenX’er Cliff and friend walk into a convenient store only to be held captive for 36 days. Among the captives is Wendy (Reese Witherspoon) who along with Cliff become national icons, for unknown to them, the demands of the terrorists is to run live feed of what is happening within the walls of the store.
We meet Cliff after the ordeal is said and done, we also quickly learn his best friend was killed. And most of the movie is played in flashback and Cliff adjusting to his new stardom. But at what price? The movie offers biting commentary on reality T.V., which is funny because there wasn’t even ten percent of the shows there are now. Jake Busey has all the best lines though, one being “Reality TV is killing Reality.”
S.F.W. means ‘So Fucking What’ and is Cliff’s catchphrase even though when he says it he doesn’t know if the terrorist are going to kill him. Even though he’s made a hero name for himself there is still plenty anti-hero in him. We get to objectively look at what his life is and come up with our own conclusions. One of the best movies of the Nineties, grab this and ‘Love and a .45’ and you will have a good time.
Soundtrack features cuts from Chris Cornell, Soundgarden, Hole, Radiohead and Gwar. Footage from Gwar’s Phallus in Wonderland can be seen, and look out for a super young Tobey Maguire as a stoned out teenager on a bench.
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